Aoraki Astro
Aim high or for what is truly valuable. New Zealand’s mountains or maunga are considered the highest order of sacred. For Ngai Tahu Aoraki represents the most sacred of ancestors. It is afforded the same respect or reverence as elders or tribal leaders. Hence the belief to not stand on the head of a mountain as it would be the same as standing on the head of an ancestor. That’s why we pay particular attention to tikanga Maori when we visit. We are all custodians of this National Park. We start by following the DOC when we visit. No drones. We take a walk through the Visitors Centre for a huge amount of information and learning or simply when we visit the mountain and stand we acknowledge its place and significance to Ngai Tahu as the source of the power over life and death. We can share with you our knowledge of Mauri and the symbolism of Aorakis meltwaters, and the links between the cosmological world of the Atua and present generations, of all the places we go this place has the most significance. Email us for a Bespoke Tour plan today.
“‘Whaia te iti kahurangi ki te tuohu koe me he teitei’ ”